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Born:January 7, 1931
Malone, NY
Died:February 8, 2005
Malone, NY

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Granny Annie was the most amzing person I have ever met and she was taken from us on February 8th 2005 very unexpectedly.  She was the mother of 6 children and many, many grandchildren. She loved to play Bingo whenever she got the chance. She was a waitress for the better part of her life and a home health aide, she loved working with people and being with her family and friends.

What I miss most about her is her personlaity and the way that I could tell her anything and know she would not judge, this page is just a tribute to how much I miss and love her and that I am always thinking about her. I love you granny!

Added by Anonymous

the girls resized.jpg

Added by Anonymous
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