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Born:March 5, 1986
Unitied Kingdom, England
Died:November 11, 1986
Unitied Kingdom, England

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Cherrelle Nanika Hewitt sadly left us on 11 November 2007, after a difficult battle with cancer. Cherrelle was only 21 years in age when she passed away leaving behind a dad, mum, stepmum, four sisters, two brothers two nanas and a large extended family.

Her illness was unexpected and very quick from diagnosis to taking her life some four months later. To families and a large network of good friends have been left devastated by her sudden and unexpected death.

However we salute Cherrelle for the couragous battle she kept up all the time never losing her bubbly personality and great humour. Rel as she was also known loved her family and friends and her smile would light up a room when she entered.

She was a beautiful girl who looked just like her Dad and will be sadly missed by us all.

Cherrelle would want us to celebrate her life and treasure those special memories she gave us all

Gobbless you Cherrelle xx

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