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Born:November 29, 2002
Duncan, Okla
Died:November 29, 2002
Duncan, Okla

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I found out I was pregnant at about four weeks.  We were really shocked...after the shock wore off I was so happy!!  I was planning to do the nursery in teddy bears!!  I took a pregnancy test that Sunday again because the other one was kinda light, and the second one was a lot darker.  That's when I was ecstatic!!  The next day I went to the health department and their test was negative, so I was really confused...I waited until Wednesday and took another test and the line was way lighter, I was kinda worried but it wasn't until I noticed I was spotting that I got really scared...I immediately called ask a nurse and she was very supportive and was calming me and she told me, "This is not the time to lose your head." Which was exactly right, and very good advice.
Later that night I went to the ER. My pregnancy test came back negative. I told that Dr. about the now six pregnancy test that ALL came back positive and through a fit because I wanted a blood pregnancy test, which came back positive. Which I was trying to say in the first place, but that's besides the point. Anyway, My numbers came

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