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Born:March 26, 2006
United States Of America
Died:March 26, 2006

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Sean Luke died in the most unbelievable way possible. he was a happy healty child loved by his parents and family. his classmates and teachers remembered his smile the most.Sean’s father looked to Sean’s mother and sobbed, “that is our baby, that is our baby there.”

anguished cries rang out as pupils of the Waterloo Hindu School, where Sean attended, placed flowers on top of his casket, which was decorated with balloons emblazoned “I Love You” and a teddy bear.

She showed the Daily Express the room where she slept with her "angel" son at their Henry St, Orange Valley, home and his favourite pet turtle named Duffy.

“Sean would ask me to buy toys for my neighbour’s child, Sunita, and he would tell Sunita to come over and look for her present,” she said, with tears streaming down her face.

Trinidadians awoke to the news that the body of a little 6-year-old boy, Sean Luke, was found in a sugar cane field. He had gone missing a few days earlier, and when the local police weren't responding quickly enough, Sean's family contacted the United States State Department, since Sean, while a Trinidadian, was born in America. After American officials got involved, efforts were stepped up to locate him. He was found, murdered, and apparently had been sodomized brutally with a length of cane. Two teenagers (teenagers!) have been held in connection with the incident.


The six-year-old, a United States citizen, would have felt no fear, smiling and laughing with the predator until he was stripped of his clothing and killed in a most agonising way.

Pathologist Dr Eastlyn Mc Donald Burris found during a preliminary examination yesterday that the killer inserted a sugarcane stalk into the boy’s rectum, and pushed it until it reached the child’s throat

Sean you are missed everyday but your memory lives on

please know that your mommy and daddy miss you everyday.

sadly I don't know the day Sean was born i know he was born in 2000 because of his age at death but i just put the day of his death because when he died he didn't leave but was born into a differnt place
Your story have affected alot of people's lives. i wanted to create this site for you to keep your memory alive. You are with Emily and Kelsey dancing with the other angels. no one can harm you now
teddy to keep you company
Added by Anonymous
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Sean is forever missed and loved ....that is all that can be said
Added by Anonymous
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