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Born:December 28, 1928
Died:October 14, 2003

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I remember grandpa Harold as a very caring and loving dad, grandpa, and friend. If you never got the chance too meet him you missed out on meeting a really great person. He was a hard working man. Who would go out of his way to say hi or do someone a favor...

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Personal Notes

Grandpa, here it is 2 1/2 months after your death and still not a day goes by that i dont stop and think about you. its just hard to believe that you are gone. i never figured that the day i had to say my final good bye would be this soon. but in your 74 years of life you touched alot of lives. but in the 17 years i knew you, you played a real big and important role in my life, you also taught me alot of lifes lessons. well grandpa i guess this is my final good bye until we meet again.

Added by Brandon Heady

Grandpa, here it is alittle over a week past your 75th birthday, the 28th of december just wasnt the same as it used to be. on that day i just wished you were here to celebrate your birthday. so we could talk about all the good times we had together. the memories i have of you i will treasure forever. i hate to say it granpda but this is another final good bye. until we meet again keep those international tractors rolling until we farm again.good bye and love you
Added by Brandon Heady

Harold, for the years i knew you i have nothing but good memories of you. and all the times we used to sit behind the shop under the shade tree just talking about anything and everything. but i also remember coming out to the shop and watching you and Leon work on the tractors and combines. those are nothin but good memories and alittle bit of the time i shared with such a nice caring guy like yourself. this is my final good bye until we need again down the road. good bye Harold
Added by Brock Madl

Dad, What a pleasure it was to have had you as that important part in my life. I thank Leon for sharing you. We became good friends over the past few years. I will cherish our "road trips" together. Sometimes they were bumpy but we made it. Calving season is close, I know how you enjoyed that. I know you are watching and guiding us from there. You are probably on your very own shiny red tractor helping from up there. Keep watch and rest my friend. Forever in our thoughts and prayers. Love Linda
Added by Anonymous
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