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Born:October 21, 1964
Perth, Australia
Died:February 17, 2000
Perth, Australia

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Patrick was an amazing man, he was the father of 3 beautiful daughters before his passing. He was a funny guy, and everyone loved being around him.

It was so tragic when Patrick passed away, he was only 35 turning 36 the same year...

You will never be forgotten, and you will forever be loved!!
My Daddy
Added by Teagan Burke (daughter)
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Personal Notes

Dear Dad,

You would never believe how much everyone misses you! I just can't comprehend that you are now gone forever, but I know that you're looking down on all of us, keeping everyone that you loved out of harm! I love you with ALL of my heart, and that's a promise!!

Love from Teagan, love you daddy!! Xoxoxo

Added by Teagan Burke (daughter)
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