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Born:October 22, 2008
London, Hackney
Died:London, Hackney

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This would of been our first child which would have the loving of its mum and dad all round. Who would of been between us right now while we sleep. I miss you my baby  because i would have been holding you right now while you was smiling at us. I will always love you forever. From Mum and Dad

Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)
images 2.jpeg

Added by Anonymous
Personal Notes

22/10/09 payers at Our lady and St Joseph Church 6pm
Added by Anonymous

I am so sorry my baby for not being strong for you.
Added by Jermaine Bennett-Smith

You were not the problem but merely the perfect thing that happened to the wrong people.

I dont know who or what you would have become but i love you regardless.

you may not be here physically, but your spirit will always be with us.

I know its selfish, but you're in more peace now.

Added by Anonymous

You were not the problem but merely the perfect thing that happened to the wrong people.

I dont know who or what you would have become but i love you regardless.

you may not be here physically, but your spirit will always be with us.

I know its selfish, but you're in more peace now.

Added by Anonymous
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