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Born:August 28, 1937
Died:March 12, 2010

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Born: August 28, 1937
Died: March 12, 2010

Even though Billy was born in Louisiana, he looked like a long tall Texan. He always wore western clothes, cowboy boots and western hats. So when he made the move to Texas in 1984, he was right at home. He remained a loyal Saints fan even though he fully supported the Oilers after moving to Houston and the Texans.
He lived to see a long time dream come true, a Super Bowl win for the New Orleans Saints this year. Billy also sang gospel music and had an outstanding Bass voice and sang with a Gospel group for many years. He truly loved singing gospel music and was a blessing to an audience every where he sang whether solo or in a group. His wit and sense of humor will be greatly missed along with his beautiful voice.
A Memorial service will be held March 21st 2010 at 2:00 PM at SCM church 603 E Austin Ave, Pasadena, Texas, 77502. For more information call 281-468-1154. In lieu of flowers, family request contributions be made to Helen Brinson Ministries /Billy Brinson Memorial Fund at Frost Bank 5208 West Broadway, Pearland, TX 77581 (Phone 713-388-1126) Attention Rosie Guerra, or mailed directly to PO Box 752373 Houston, TX 77275 to help with expenses.

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