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Born:Sampaloc Manila
Died:May 23, 2010
San Fernando La Union

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Gerferlito Galeno Maninang was born 17th of May 1961. The eldest in the brood of seven of Mr. Pedro Maninang(deceased) and Mrs. Flordeliza Maninang.He finished his High School in Roosevelt College Cubao Quezon City and took some few units in Accountancy but later on decided to pursue a business venture with his father. They runned an Encyclopedia Business and later on became a success one. They provided jobs and trained even a High School undergraduate. Educational attainment of the person is not so much a vital  important for them. Because they believed that once a person is determined and serious to have a job there is no way a person can achieve his/her goals in life. When his father died Gerferlito followed the footsteps of his father's mission in different part of the Philippines...Luzon Visayas and Mindanao...He had his first mild stroked when he was in Cagayan de Oro City and then decided to return in Cavite year 2004. There he found the Lord much more deeper. He served the Lord and been very active in the church to spread the goodness and love of God. Because he was good in speaking and has the ability to encourage people with his preaching the church is eyeing him to become a Pastor of their Church. 2010 He stayed in La Union and in God's grace he looked and joined a fellowship Organization. He has been a living testimony of the people in their area...Elders and youth has been so fond of him and admires his being respectful and helpful to anyone. 4am of May 23, 2010 when he was rushed to the hospital claiming he was having a difficulty breathing. When he realized that it was his time he shouted and called the Lord " LORD, SALAMAT SA HIRAM NA BUHAY"... Without loosing hope his family sent him to the hospital but because God has a reason for everything God took him that same day... It was a peaceful death for him...Because of his kindness a lot people grieved and mourned of his lost...  Gerferlito found the Lord and served him till the last of his breath.
A wonderful moments to cherish...Taken at the House of Ate Pida in Bulacan...
Added by Finas

Stolen shot!...a kind and good person...We love you all Tito
Added by Trisha

What else we can say?..A handsome and good looking Tito...Always pray for us as we pray for you Tito..
Added by Charie, Gran and Therese
Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Personal Notes

Dearest Kuya, Thank you so much for all the love and care that you shared with us..the laughters and tears, our ups and good times and bad times...We will always remember you Kuya and you will always here in our hearts...It's only your physical who left us but not your spirit. We love you so much Kuya...Give our kisses to Tatay..
Added by Lucy, Wena, Chit, Pida, Pilip, Dab, Fin, Dean,Ampi

Tito, I know that you're more happy now because you're truly belong to God's kingdom. We'll continuously pray for you. Don't bother about us your family because we can take care of ourselves. Though we'll truly miss you, we know that you'll forever be happy in God's hands. We love you! :-)
Added by Rusky
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