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Born:December 26, 1946
Lincolnton, North Carolina
Died:January 3, 2004
Vale, Noth Carolina

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To a Loving Daddy, husband, Grandpa, Son, brother, Uncle, And Friend anyone could ever ask for.  We miss you so much!
I guess God needed you more than we did. (and we need you bad) We think about you all the time. Your memories will forever be with us. Sometimes the phone will ring, and I think it is you checking on Logan and Ashley just as you once did. You got sick way to fast. I wish I could buy some time to spend with you again. There are so many things left unsaid and undone, but I know we will be together in the end. Until we meet again...

Added by Anonymous
Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Personal Notes

We miss you Daddy!
Added by Melissa

To the most wonderful husband a person could ever ask for. I Love You!

Added by Catherine

Papaw, we love and miss you so much. We miss the smile on your face. The love in your heart for us. We kmow that you will continue to be our angel and watch over us. We Love you with all our heart.
Added by Ashley and Logan

Daddy, words cannot express the grief and sorrow we feel without you. I love and miss you so much. It's a shame it takes loosing people sometimes to truly know how wonderful they were. You were honestly always there whenever one of us needed someone and I feel you still will be. I hope one day I will become half the man you were. There are things that were left unsaid---hope your still listening when I say them. I love you and you will always be a part of me.

Added by Randy

I know we did not always agree on everything when we was growing up but I also knew that anytime I needed you I could depend on you, not a day goes by that I don't think of you and wish I could call just to say hello. I didn't know I would miss you so much.......
Added by Dian

Bud, you have made your mother real proud to know you are living your new life with God. We miss you more than you would ever imagine. It must be beautiful up there in paradise. Until we meet again...
Added by ma

Father's Days is coming Daddy. Even though your not here. Your still in our hearts on this day. It makes the day just as special as if you were here. It gives us the memories of you and what a wonderful father you were. I was determined to spend last Father's Day with you, thinking it may be, but not knowing it would be the last father's Day I would spend with you. Even though your in heaven and not here on earth for me to say it..... Happy Father's Day Daddy....!!! Love you.
Added by Anonymous

Father's Days is coming Daddy. Even though your not here. Your still in our hearts on this day. It makes the day just as special as if you were here. It gives us the memories of you and what a wonderful father you were. I was determined to spend last Father's Day with you, thinking it may be, but not knowing it would be the last father's Day I would spend with you. Even though your in heaven and not here on earth for me to say it..... Happy Father's Day Daddy....!!! Love you.
Added by Randy
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