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Born:January 21, 1922
Costilla , New Mexico
Died:October 31, 2010
Del Norte, CO

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Ruth was my mom.  She was raised on a sheep farm, with chickens, and a pet Jobo, which was her loving cat.  She went to school in Del Norte CO, married, and started her first family of 3 in South Fork, CO. There were 4 children, but one had died, so that left 3.
She was married to Jose Archuleta. Her father was Ramon Santistevan everyone called him (Friday)., and then there was Grandma Flora Santistevan, her mother. Later she married Andronico Sanchez. She had 3 children from that marriage. And her last partner in life was Murl W. Stevens a ranchhand from Kansas.
Mom was an amazing woman, when her husband Andronico Sanchez passed away, she was left with a household to head.
She always did her best, that was her motto. Do the best you can, that and tomorrows another day. Keep smiling was another. Mom always believed in things being accomplished , a little at a time. She'd always say, little by little. She lived by those mottos, even when things weren't going so well. One time her house caught fire, for the second time, and luckily she had insurance, and was able to rebuild, but she was like that, she always had to take care of her business. She was upstanding that way. She didn't owe anybody anything, and always paid her debts. She made her life a good one, by herself, even if there were adverse things happening all around her. She was a gentle and kind soul that reacted to the harshness in the world around here. She deserved the best. I will always remember Mom for the person she was, a loving mom, a good grandma , and wife. She wasn't without fault, nobody is.She worked long hours, and was distant from us alot, but she had to work, it was important to hold her own in this life, and depended on no one. I will miss her , and always love her, i wasn't always there for her, sometimes it was too much, her pain became mine. I tried to be there for her as much as i could.
Grandma ruth.jpg
Beautiful Lady In Red
Added by Anonymous

grandma ruth 14yrs.jpg
Added by Margarita Sanchez-Rivera
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