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Died:February 28, 2004
Cambridge, Ontario

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Gordon was a very loving and kind man.  Adored by his daughter Brooke andher son Brandon, who lovengly called him pappa.  There is no question he will be missed, but he will live forever in their hearts.

Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Added by Anonymous
Personal Notes

I spoke with Gordon a few times on the phone, but i asked Brooke about him on a daily basis. My personal experience with while limited, was very plesant, i could tell he was a very strong and loving man. My thoughts and prayers are with Brooke, Brandon, and the entire family in this time of saddness.
Added by James J. Payne

Remember the Life that was brought toyou by your father and celebrate that Life! Try to remember the wonderful blessings this special man brought to you and that he is always with you now. He's always close-by watching and he's an angel on over your and Brandon's shoulder. I've kept a candle lit for you and your family. May your hearts heal and your tears flow into the ocean of everlasting comfort. Draw from the strength of your friends in this time of need.

Added by Carol Mann and Family

Remember the Life that was brought toyou by your father and celebrate that Life! Try to remember the wonderful blessings this special man brought to you and that he is always with you now. He's always close-by watching and he's an angel on over your and Brandon's shoulder. I've kept a candle lit for you and your family. May your hearts heal and your tears flow into the ocean of everlasting comfort. Draw from the strength of your friends in this time of need.

Added by Carol Mann and Family

hi Brooke,

i don't know you or your father but i heard of your loss through a mutual friend and i'm sendin healing energy your way. i know what you're goin through. i lost my father last may. if you need a friend, i'm here for ya.

Added by Olaf

Please accept the Condolences of your friends. We care about you and Brandon. If in your time of Grief we can help you in any way please let us be there for you. We share your loss.
Added by Kind
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