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Born:February 26, 1974
Died:March 4, 2004

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The most important things in Stacey's life were his children Nicholas and Alexandria, and his Grandmother, Mrs. Burden. He was the type of person who would do anything for you. No matter where you went, Stacey knew somebody, and everyone knew Stacey. His honest eyes, his beautiful smile and loving heart will be sadly missed. He was a strong, loving, kind and gentle man, who was devoted to his children. The funniest thing about Stacey was how easy you could get him to believe something or play a trick on him. His family has a strong bond and connection to each other. The minute you met Stacey you knew that he was someone special, and he was in your life for a reason.
christmas 2003 002.jpg
Christmas 2003
Added by Roger & Glenda Young

trailer park 2003 001.jpg

Added by Anonymous

sars concert ontario 2003.jpg
sars concert 2003 Downsview Park Ontario
Added by Roger & Glenda

stacey and nicholas...may1999.jpg
may 1999
Added by Rhonda and Glen Parsons

stacey and alexsandra at chuckee cheese.jpg
March 2002
Added by rhonda and glen parsons
Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)
stacey memorial.doc
If you come across an Angel
Added by Shirley Wolstenholme

trust fund info.doc
Nicholas and Alexandra Trust Fund
Added by Shirley Wolstenholme

Stacey Burden March 12 04.doc

Added by Anonymous
Personal Notes

I love you man! I will never forget your honest eyes and warm smile. Thank you for coming into my life!
Added by Shirley Wolstenholme

To one of the warmest hearted guys I have ever known and will ever meet. I am blessed with some wonderful memories and my heart goes out to everyone that had the honour of knowing him. You will be sadly missed. Farewell my Friend.

Added by Owen Hatcher

To the Burden Family, I am so sorry to hear of such a tragic loss. I have very fond memories of Bonne Bay Regattas of years gone by that myself, Stacey, Lisa Upwards and several others had such great times at. Stacey's memories will live on in our minds forever. Go be with your friends that have gone before you. I'm sure Jason was waiting with open arms for you. Forever remembered, never forgotten.
Added by Tracy Parsons (Coates)

To the Burden Family,Elaine,Nicholas & Alexandra,
We are so sorry to hear of your loss.Stacy will be greatly missed.Always Remember Nicholas & Alexandra that daddy loved you both very much & that you both were his pride and joy and the light in his life. As Nicholas said to his sister Alexandra."Daddy is in heaven now we can's see him but he can see us".Thats right daddy will be your guardian angel. We will remember you in our thoughts & prayers. May you find peace and comfort through Christ.

Added by The Gillard Family

To the family.
Im really sorry to hear about your loss, though I did not know him very well, I am real good friends with norton, and I will be hear if he ever needs anything.

all I can say about staci is he was a great guy. Norton always talked about him, and never had anything bad to say about him. I guess you can look at staci as a second father. well, he still is, and all memouries of him will remain with us for the rest of our lives.

Added by Damien Parsons

Stacey, you will be greatly missed by everyone and never forgotten. You were a good friend that always made us smile, even through your own tough times. Some of the stories that you would tell were good old ones, but you were born in 1974, not 1964 as listed here. So I guess that this is good-bye ... Deepest sympathy to the family.
Added by Roger & Glenda Young

To Stacey,
I'll always remember how much you loved my banana bread. Each time I make one now, I will think of you.
We love you.
We'll miss you.

From Aunt Frances & Uncle Robert

Added by Aunt Frances

To the Burden family...we were saddened to hear of the loss of Stacey.We will miss him lots.He provided us with lots of laughs and was always there for us .We have lost a great friend. were one of a will never be forgotten.

Added by Glen and Rhonda Parsons& family
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