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Born:June 1, 1940
Boise City Oklahoma
Died:April 2, 2011
Las Cruces, New Mexico

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Daddy 2008.jpg
The year Daddy was a (Handsome Dallas Cowboy Fan) just for us.
Added by Buddy Moulder an Cathy Carroll
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Personal Notes

To Daddy my hero since the day I was born.
As I sit and look back to how far I can remember,
you were always there next to me.
Each and everyday you were helping me grow up,
and making me be the best that I could be. Your
love was forever strong, your cuddles forever tight.
Everyday since I was born your love was always in sight.
I will always an forever be your Baby Girl an you will always forever
be my Daddy. I know an have always known I will always be the
luckiest to have the best Daddy any girl could have had. My dear
sweet Daddy I love you with all my heart an much more than I could ever say.
We will never forget our loving, learning an just plain fun times we have been
blessed to have with you. I love an will miss you Daddy an until we meet again not a day will
go by that you will not be with me.
All my love
Cathy Gaye Carroll

Added by Cathy Gaye Carroll

My dearest dad this has given new meaning to goodbye. I will never hear that wonderful laugh or see those funny looks ever again. It makes me so sad knowing I will never be able to pick up the phone and hear the words of wisdom that you gave me over the years, especially the past five, some of the days were unbearable and some how you made it all better. Dad, I am a better person because of you, considering your incredible work ethics, fortitude, heart and desire I honestly believe some of those great traits have been passed on to me through you. My dearest father I will miss you so, so very much.
I love you and you will be sorely missed.
Your son, Sheridan Lee Moulder (Buddy

Added by Anonymous

Dear Grandfather,

Though I didn't get to spend much time with you, I know the great man you are. Godless you on your journey to the heavens, where your pain will be no more. Watch over us from up there just as you always have down here. We all know Grandpa had a long and wonderful life, loved by many, I will always feel fortunate to have had the great opportunity to know him. He has left us all with so many great memories that he will not soon be forgotten. His greatest legacy however will be in the wonderful family that he helped create and nurture. I know that a great deal of who he was will live on in all of us.

Added by Love you grandpa...Brad Carroll

I am going to miss you grandpa. I wished I could have spent more time with you over the years. I know u are in a better place now but it still doesn't ease the pain. I love you grandpa and I will see you again. Save me a spot up there in heaven. Thank you god for blessing me with such a wonderful grandpa.

Added by Jeff

I know that we spent many years apart, but we always remained friends. I hated your pain and wished I could of somehow eased it. You gave me the gift of two wonderful children, Cathy and Buddy. I will forever be grateful for that.
You will be sorely missed by me and so many others. Love always, Judy ( little girl )

Added by Judy Merritt

You were always someone special in my life, I wish I could have spent more time with you.
You always had a smile and hug for me , and we loved to aggervate each other. Even though I wasn't one of your own you made me feel like I was. You will be missed so very much.
Love always, Christal

Added by Christal Gentry & family

I will miss you uncle Sam.

Love you very much.

Added by Greg, Michele and Jessica Clark

It seems like yesterday when I ask for your permission to marry your daughter Cathy. As I told you some 30+ years ago still stands today. I will do my best to take care of her. As one grows older and look into the past you don't realize how much of an impact one person can have on so many others. I never realized this until all the people who you had touched in your life time started showing up out of the woodwork when the news spread that the end was near for you’re time here on earth. As for one of our last conversations we had when you were trying to climb out the window. I will do my best to look after what you have left behind. Until we meet again I love you and will be thinking of you.
Mark Carroll

Added by Mark Carroll
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