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Born:April 16, 1939
Jackson, Michigan
Died:March 10, 2003
Her home in Waterloo, Michigan

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My mom was my hero. She was the wind beneath my wings, and still is.  She knew when something was wrong, no matter how much you denied it. Somehow, she could always make things better for you. She lived life for her children and especially her grandchildren.  If they all were happy, she was happy. She worked hard every day and was proud of her family farm, and her calves were her "babies". I don't know how she did all she did, or where she found the strength to endure some of the things she did...but I just realized she would have said she found the strength in the Lord. She didn't attend a church regularly, but I know her faith in God and Jesus was unwavering and very strong. That is the one thing that brings me great comfort with my overwhelming loss. I miss you so much, Mom. You were my best friend. I love you.
Farmgirl at heart...Mom age 17 in 1956
Added by Anonymous
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Personal Notes

Alot of people didn't understand my mom, but she would do anything for almost anyone, regardless if you liked her or not. She was such a strong person. Throughout her sickness, not once did I here her complain or say "why me?" She taught me so much in life. As I look back, I understand now some of the things she tried to point out that I didn't quite get before. Thanks, mom!
Added by Anonymous
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