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Born:April 15, 1948
East St.Louis,Illinois
Died:October 10, 2002

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Fred was a loving man.A husband,dad,grandpa,brother,freind.He was a Viet Nam Veteran.He served his country from 1965 to 1969.He served 2 tours of duty in Viet Nam.A Navy mechinest mate.He had a real passion for Harley Davidson motorcycling.He belonged to several motorcycle clubs over the years. He was riding Harleys from 1973 to 1994.He had to quit riding due to a seizure disorder.His final interest was spending time with his family,listening to music,and just generaly being happy. He was a member of The American Legion #978 in Fairview Hghts.,Il.He liked pertisipating in legion functions. In June 2002 he was the American flag barer at the exposition of the traveling Viet Nam Wall Memorial. It was just about the proudest I'd ever seen him,except for our baby's grandbaby's and the only nephew bearing the Murden name {Arthur Clyde Murden IV}.He enjoyed talking motorcycles with his only living brother,A.C.MurdenIII.He was proceeded in death by his father ArthurC.MurdenJr.his mother Lois L.Murden{nee Taylor}.A brother Theodore J. Murden.And a sister Judy K.Murden. Survivors of his family are myself his wife,Catherine Murden{nee Cannon} his  son Jeremy N. Cannon,son Benjamin A. Murden,daughter Cherie L. MItchell{nee Cannon},a brother Arthur C.Murden, a sister Susan L. Johns{nee Murden} numerous neices & nephews and his favoite nephew Arthur C. Murden IV.He was strong man with a large amount of love to give.WE will all have him in our hearts and minds forever.We geartly miss him.         Any freinds or relatives who visit this site feel free to add your sentiments.

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