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Born:October 12, 1986
Wilmington,North Carolina
Died:May 23, 2003
Raleigh,North Carolina

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Nehemiah Samuel Powell was born on October 12,1986 to Michael and Lenora Powell in Wilmington,North Carolina.

He accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior at Juniper Level Missionary Baptist Church, under the leadership of Pastor Alexander B.Herring, in Garner,North Carolina. Nehemiah was an active officer of the Youth Usher Board, the Youth Chior& the Drama Ministry at Juniper Level Baptist Church.

He was also a member of the Make A Joyful Noise Theatrical Ministry. He was more than a church member. He often ministered to his peers and fellow students and was quick to give and assist in other ministries affiliated with church.

Nehemiah loved computers, basketball, exploring the operation of electronic equipment, collecting baseball cards and spending time with his family and friends. Unlike most tennagers, he had an unusual desire to spend quality time with his parents. He leaves behind a legacy of love, laughter& joy!
God Bless
Added by Dustin

Until We Meet On The Other Side
Added by Dustin

He Died That You May Have Eternal Life
Added by Jlbc Youth

Rest In Peace Nehemiah
Added by Garner Senior High Students

We will always love you
Added by jlbc youth

One Day Will Meet
Added by Garner Senior High Classmates
Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)
God did it for you
Added by Garner Senior High Classmates
Personal Notes

Nehemiah is and will always be in our hearts.
Added by Juniper Level Youth
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