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Born:July 31, 1992
Died:May 28, 2013

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Christopher was a loving young man who loved life. He was the loving son of Jennifer Martinez and brother of Caitlin Ripley and Richie Martinez. As short as his life was he always was fun loving and caring and would do anything for his family. A proud young father who was stricken too soon by a horrible disease he leaves behind a legacy of perseverance and a never ending fighting heart that will live on thru his family. Chris was loved by many and will always be cherished and looked upon as a hero that never quit

Added by Anonymous

tiff chris.jpg

Added by Anonymous


Added by Anonymous


Added by Anonymous

Your Princess Amari at a cookout at Papa's
Added by Rich


Added by Rich
Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Personal Notes

Chris is my stepson and from the first day I met him when he was under 2 years old he stole my heart. I was always call him my son and I will forever hold my head high knowing I had a hand in raising such a fine young man. RIP my boy Doah will always love you
Added by Rich Martinez


Chris, I never had the chance to meet you but I would like to say what a courageous guy you are. Rest peacefully and keep watch over your mother always. You truly are such a lucky guy to have such a strong, loving, and dedicated mother. God bless.
Added by Jennifer Wagner

I will always remember the way Chris made Thomas laugh. He looked out for Thomas like a big brother. His relationship with his sister was envious! His mother would move Heaven and Hell for him. We have truely lost a beautiful soul. He will be greatly missed!
Added by Aunt Brenda

They always talk about hero's on the news you know the guys who stop robberies or save a random person but in my mind you were a hero. You were sick the last time I seen you but you had a smile on your face the whole day you didn't complain you were strong for your mom your brother and your sister and to me for you to know that you had a certain amount of time left but you still didn't let it get you down well that's a hero that's someone that in my heart and mind that I will always look up to so channel 2 I got a hero for one of your stories his name is Chris ripley. We will all miss you so fly high little cuz.
Added by brandon jones

I miss you so much already, your smart comments, your laugh, everything! I told you a million times but im gonna tell you again your the STRONGEST person i no, you've been through so much, and still always smiled . rest in peace chris. you'll never be forgotten

Added by Tiffani

We celebrated your life this weekend as you would have done it yourself. You are loved by many friends and family and it showed by the outpouring and togetherness in your behalf.You will always be close to my heart and in my thoughts now it is your time to be calm at peace and live the true life that was meant for you as an angel Love always
Added by Rich Martinez

Happy Father's Day Chris
Added by Love Rich
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