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Born:April 9, 1968
Toledo, Ohio
Died:April 2, 2002
Phoenix, Arizona

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Jimmy was a lover of life and family. His zest for life never ended. He was a son that made his family proud. He always wanted the best for everyone and would help anyone in need.
He was a protector of his family and friends. He had honor.
He loved his wife and children and provided a good life for them all.
He loved his sister and brother beyond question. His parents will always love him and respect his choices.
He was respected and a trustworthy friend. He would go the extra mile to meet a challenge and succeed. He knew no limits to his endurance.
He honored frindships and honored his right to be what God gave hime the strength to be.
Jimmy was a "Free Spirit."
May he "Ride Free" until we meet again.

Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Added by Anonymous
Personal Notes

I Dropped A Tear Into The Ocean
When They Find It
Is When I will Stop Missing You

Added by Mom
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