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Born:October 15, 1989
Andalusia, Alabama
Died:April 17, 2004
Pensacola, Florida

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This is in loving memory of a girl that everyone knew and loved.  And she will always be in our heart and thoughts.  Kirsten was one special girl that would light up life and make you laugh when you where feeling down.  She is and always will be loved by anyone that even knew her or just meet her.  Her life was cut short from an accident that took her life.  But she will always live on with all the love that she gave.  She will never be forgotten.  Now, what everyone needs to do is to pray for the family and all the friends that this one " Baby girl " had an affect that she had on everyone.  She was this big green eyed girl that everyone come to love and cherish.  We will always love you Kirsten and you will always be with us.  And God has one of the beautifulist angel that he ever has.  Keep your spunky spirit up and watch after all the one that loved you so.

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