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Born:April 29, 1928
Philadelphia, PA
Died:January 9, 2004
Abington Memorial Hospital (Abington, PA)

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I am writing this memorial for my grandmom.  She was a very loving and caring woman.  She enjoyed family greatly and always looked forward to our gatherings.  Toward the end of her life, she was the strongest, most courageous person I have ever known.  She battled ovarian cancer for over 2 years and even though she had it very hard at times she was still the same happy, loving and caring person.  I know that she is in a better place now with no pain or discomfort and that gives me a positive outlook on her passing.  But the one thing that I know I am going to miss is the happy look on her face whenever she saw my son.  She showed that she loved him so much and I just wish that he could have gotten to spend more of his life with her.  I love you Grandmom and you will be missed greatly.  Until the day we meet again, I love you.

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Personal Notes

I would greatly appreciate if anyone who views this memorial please write a brief personal note about my grandmom. Thank you.
Added by Sarah Chambers
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