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Born:April 12, 1994
Richmond, Indiana
Died:May 18, 2004
Richmond, Indiana

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Caitlyn was born April 12, 1994, in Richmond, Ind., to Steven P. Bowman and Lisa G. Little Bowman and was a lifelong resident of Richmond. She was a student of Westview Elementary School, where she had perfect attendance. She was a member of the Dairy Queen Softball Team, a member of Boys and Girls Club and a member of Girl Scouts. She had taken dance lessons from Dance with Cindy of Hagerstown for seven years. 

(Information was supplied by Richmond Pal-Item and is a courtesy from them.)


Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Personal Notes

This site has been created by Gloria Shuttleworth in Loving Memory of Caitlyn Michelle Bowman who was my granddaughter Erin Atwell's best friend.
I would like to dedicate this site to her father Steve Bowman, her brother Christopher Rourke, her family and friends. My prayers and heartfelt sorrow goes out to all of you.

Added by Gloria Shuttleworth
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