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Born:April 16, 1932
Whittemore, IA

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Dorothy was born on a farm near Whittemore, IA on April 16, 1932.  Parents were A.Curtis & Mary (Conley) Quinn.  She graduated from Whittemore High School. She worked for Northwestern Bell Telephone in Algona, as a long distance operator.  
She was married to Clem Mergen. They lived in Ringsted and then moved to West Bend. In 1967 they moved to Estherville.
Dorothy has been a lifelong activist in the Democratic Party, she served on the St. Patricks school board, member of Estherville Parks & Recreation Board. She worked at ILCC
& the Estherville Daily News. Dorothy served as the Emmet County Recorder for 18 years. After her retirement she continued working in the community as a volunteer. She was especially active on the Emmet County Conservation Foundation Board as a volunteer at Peterson Point Historic Farmstead. She helped with the Dinner Date program, was a member of VFW Auxiliary, served on the Peace & Justice Committee at St Patricks church.
Dorothy is survived by her husband Clem, sons, Mark, James, Philip, Nicholas, Christopher & Anthony, daughters, Mary Catherine & Beth. There are thirteen grandchildren.
She was preceded in death by her parents,one brother.
In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Emmet County Conservation Commission and the Estherville Dinner Date program

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