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Born:March 18, 1980
SanFrancisco, Ca
Died:August 22, 1996
Plymouth Mountain, Pa

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Shaun was my only child. He was born in the US but raised in Belgium first and then the US. He spoke two languages by the time he was five. 
Smart as a whip, always asking a ton of questions about as many subjects.
He got the first scholarship given to a gradeschool student at Marywood College in Scranton, Pa. He studied oilpainting and basic computer knowledge.
He was an honorroll student in high school.
Everyone who knew him always noticed his tremendous sence of humor. He made everyone laugh at some point.He tutored other students at highschool.
Underneath it all was a very depressed boy who lost all hope at some point. We never knew it, until he took his own life on Plymouth mountain.He was 16.
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