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Born:December 21, 1926
Austin, Minnesota
Died:April 12, 2004
Elgin, Oregon

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A Legacy of Love

As I think back over the life that my mother, Beverlee Murial Crowson lived I am compelled to consider a legacy that both my mother and father have imparted to their children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, inlaws and even a few outlaws. There have been so many friends, acquaintences, and observers that have been touched by this legacy over the years that it would be considered a small multitude if one were to count. From as far back as I can remember my mother and father have always welcomed visitors into our home whether they were staying just a few moments, a day, a week, a month or two, or several years. Guests who come to our door were always welcomed in and brought to the table, offered a cup of coffee or a meal and were made to feel as a part of the family. I can remember parties, hayrides, potlucks on the farm after church, even just quiet get togethers with friends and neighbors. Over the years our home was opened to many people from distant relatives to 36 different foster children. There were difficult times, but there were oh so many many very good times too. Through it all we kids were taught valuable lessons in respect, caring, selflessness, service, and most of all Love that we all carry with us every day and that constantly bear fruit in our own lives and relationships.
This is the lagacy that both my parents have passed down to us and one that I have always been very proud of and delighted to always emulate. This Legacy of Love has brought richness to our lives, opened our understanding to many of lifes may questions and touched our hearts. I am so honored to be the son of my parents for whom there is not words adequate enough to describe the Love I have for them both. I know that all of us kids and grandkids feel the same. Thank you.
Bev and family.JPG

Added by Anonymous
Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)
I found a penny today.doc

Added by Anonymous

I felt an angel.doc

Added by Anonymous

Her Journey.doc

Added by Anonymous
Personal Notes

The Holidays are fast approaching and I find myself remembering how things were when I was little, how magical it all felt back then. Well now it all feels different but I have noticed that the magic has come back. Mommy, I know that is you. I miss you so much and I wish I could just see you if only for a moment. I know you are there around me and also deep inside, I feel it. Thank you for that and for all the pennies when I need them the most. I love you, Jen
Added by Jennifer
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