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Died:July 22, 2004

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Beautiful Hannah,my lovely angel, you were never given the chance to be.Your life ended far too soon.We were never blessed enough to hold you in our arms, to wipe your crying eyes, to see your joyful smile,or hear your precious laugh.We were never honored enough to see you grow into the beautiful child we know you are.You were the sweetest baby that could have ever existed, and far too good for a world as bad as this one.Despite your absense, we hold you close in our thoughts; knowing that today you suffer no more pain.Even though today you play in the company of angels,you will always live in our hearts.

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Personal Notes

the saddest thing to be felt is a mother's loss. we will hope and pray for you. know that your mother cared deeply for you and would have given anything for your happiness. theres nothing stronger than the love of a mother.
Added by antO

Hannah Elizabeth... your an innocent child with an innocent mother who had no choice but to give you back to god, for good reason.Your mother (who i've not met). is a wonderful person, along with you, you would have grown lovely and beautiful in the future who may have done something good for this world along with everyone else on this planet if they know it or not. You are now back in gods arms where we will all be sooner or later. Your mother who cared so much about you...
Added by Edward. from CT

wishes she had not done what she had did, but in good sense she had no choice, but to think in your safety. But now you are now among many other loved ones.May you grow up to meet my grandmother who also passed 2/5/04 she will also help watch over you.
Added by continued from Edd

Though none of us had the opportunity to meet you, we know how precious you are, for we know how wonderful your mother is. Know that you're loved, Hannah. Know that you're in our thoughts, our hearts, and our prayers. Enjoy your time among angels until, when God sees fit, we shall join you.

All the love in the world,

Added by JessLJ

i carry your heart with me (i carry it in
my heart) i am never without it (anywhere
i go you go, my dear; and whatever is done
by only me is your doing, my darling)

here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows
higher than soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart

i carry your heart (i carry it in my heart)

Added by littlemy

I am so sorry for what happened. I know she would have been an amazing little girl, just like you. No one ever deserves this and I am so sorry it happened. You are not alone, you never were and never going to be. Your little girl will never be alone, she knew that you loved her. I am so sorry for this... :-(
Added by Heather

I love you Jeri. I'll keep Hannah Elizabeth in my dreams. You're daughter is in a happy place. I admire your strength and I know you'll get through this. Keep God in sight.

Lot of Love,

Added by Lola

Hannah Elizabeth,
Now that you are in heaven, I hope that you will watch over your caring mother through this difficult time, just as she would have watched over you. It's hard to understand why such a wonderful family had to go through a difficult situation, but we must remember God is watching over us, always. I hope now you can help many people through tragedy, as the true angel you are. We will be thinking of you and one day we will all join you, the precious daughter.

Added by Kimberly
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