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Born:March 20, 1994
Died:July 11, 2003

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The biggest shock of our life came on July 11/03 with the passing of our very special "little person" Gizmo.
He went into the Vet clinic on July 10th for a cruciate ligament repair on his leg. The following morning the Vet called to say he had passed away during the night. The PM done on his body revealed that he had a heart attack. He was such a people person that the stress of surgury and being alone without us may have caused this fate.He will always be remembered for his special good morning kisses, always wanting to be carried around, his piggy little ways, and his beautiful big brown eyes.
He was everything you ever wanted in a dog. Loving, loyal and never in his short 9 years did he ever have to be scolded for anything. He was always there for us. I always called him "My little handsome man" and we will love and miss him forever.
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