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Born:October 27, 1994
Died:October 27, 1994

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The pregnancy test turned pink, I couldnt believe it, it had finally happened, me, Sharon was going to be a mum after all those years of praying, hoping, wishing and trying.I was so happy!

When we found out I was pregnant
we were over the moon
the time for us to hold you could come to soon,
but unfortunately God up there, held us to our word
and gave us a beautiful daughter
who was not meant for this world
So goodbye our little angel
it is time to say goodnight
your home is now in heaven
where you help the stars shine bright.

It was 6 months into the pregnacy, my cervix couldnt hold you in any longer, nothing could be done and i had to give birth to you knowing there was very little to no hope you could survive, even if you had taken a breath I was told to just hold you close till the end and say my goodbyes to you.This cant be happening to us, not after 6 years of trying, its a bad dream i'll wake up soon and rub my swollen stomach and smile I told myself..... it was no dream!

Your hat it was made from a mitten
though was perfect for your little head
the teddy we put in your coffin
is so you'll have something to cuddle in bed
the white blanket that you were wrapped in
to keep you so safe and so warm
the photos we lay in beside you
are so you wont come to any harm
I hope everything we could think of will prove to you
how much we cared
and before we retire at bedtime we always say goodnight
godbless and we hope when we wake in the mornig
the pain without you will be less.

I'll never forget you little one, your memories are etched in my heart forever, I didnt have you for long but im grateful for the small amount of time I did have. You'll always be the brightest star and the prettiest rainbow and I'll never ever forget you.

R.I.P Rebecca xXxXxXxXxXx
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