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Born:June 19, 1986
Greenville, SC
Died:May 11, 2004
Greenville, SC

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Crystal was a very beautiful young lady. She loved the Lord and stood for what she believed in. Crystal was supposed to graduate on May 21, 2004, she was so excited that she was going to college. She loved her family, Michael and her church. Crystal had a very beautiful smile and very, very seldom frowned. She wanted to go to college to be a RN and then she wanted to get married and have kids. She was a very special person with a very big heart.
Crystal took this herself the day she got her braces off. (4-6-04)
Added by Anonymous
Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)
This is where Crystal landed after being thrown from her car. Single car accident!
Added by Anonymous
Personal Notes

It has been 4 months since you left us. We miss you so much and love you dearly. You will live forever in our hearts.
Added by Anonymous

Crystal we miss you Thank you for being such a blessing to me and my family GOD let his light shine trough your love and smile
Added by Anonymous

Crystal, I miss you so much i cant wait until i see you again... You meant the world to me..
Added by Samantha

Crystal i always looked up to you like a sister. You were like my big sister and i wanted to do things like you. You were sunshine to me. You always gave me a big hug and made me smile i love you. I miss You.
Added by Kelly Gibson

It has been 1yr 3mths since u left us and we miss u more now, we still see your beautiful smile and hear your wonderful laugh in our dreams. We can't hardly wait for the day that we can see and be with u again. Never forgetting anything about u.
Added by Love Always, Mom and Dad
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