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Born:July 9, 1913
Gaultois, Newfoundland
Died:September 15, 1992
Marystown, Newfoundland

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Albert Strickland was my father.  He was born on July 9th, 1913 to Albert and Sarah (Matchem) Strickland  in Gaultois, Hermitage Bay, Newfoundland.  He had 4 sisters, Clara, Julie, Gertie and Evelyn.   He went to work on the fishing boats when he was only 10 years old.  Later he worked at the fishplant in Gaultois.  He married my mother Emmie Lilly on April 13th, 1939. They had four daughters, Clarice, Barbara, Donna and me Loretta.  Our family moved to Harbor Breton where dad was offered a job at the fishplant there.  Our house was big so mom and dad took in boarders which kept mom and my olders sisters quite busy.  We lived in Harbor Breton for only one year, then dad was offered a job with Quality Control at Fishery Products in Marystown. Our family moved into a new trailer park that had just been developed. Later we moved into a house where once again mom and dad took in boarders, most of who worked at the fishplant.  Later dad and mom bought a house where my mother resides today.  When dad finished with fishery Products he and mom were hired as janitorial cleaners at the Shipyard in Marystown. My father never shyed away from work.  I believe he thrived on it.  He worked as janitor, security at the mall, and on a farm.  He retired at the ripe age of 73. When most men of that age would be tired of retirement, dad was only beginning.  He spent most of his last years watching his favorite television shows like The Price is Right and playing cards, especially crib with my uncle Ray.  Then he got sick in April and was told that he had the dreadful disease Cancer. He died on September 15th, 1992 with his family all around him. My father is remembered today as one of the most fun loving persons around.  He loved to tell jokes and play jokes on people.  He had a great sense of humor. No one could tell a joke like dad. He also showed us card tricks when we were young and later he would show his grandchildren. Dad was blessed with eleven beautiful grandchildren,Priscilla,Marcella, Craig, Travis, Jason, Trixie,Marsha, Sheldon, Tara, Chad and Joshua. They were amazed because their grandfather could do tricks.  He also loved to play cards. Playing with dad was so much fun.  He made everything enjoyable.  There was always a laugh when dad was around.  He loved mom and all of us so much.  Family was everything to him.  We were never in want. Dad was a true provider.  He always said that he would like to see me married before he died. Well, not only did he walk me down the aisle but he lived to see my three children born.  The youngest which I named after dad.  I loved my father so much and miss him terribly.  We did have many years together but not nearly as many as we would have liked. Our home as never been the same since dad's passing.There has been an emptiness that can never be filled. He will always be remembered and forever loved. By Loretta
wedding 002.jpg
wedding day April 13th,1939
Added by Loretta
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