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Born:May 20, 1905
Ottawa, Illinois
Died:August 7, 2003
Springfield, Illinois

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Marie B. Rowe was born May 20, 1905 in her family home in Ottawa, IL to parents Charles and Minnie Woehler Barnhart.  She graduated from Ottawa High School in 1923.  On December 9, 1937 she married James E. Rowe, Captain on the Ottawa police department.  They were blessed with the birth of their only child, Charles James Rowe, on August 18, 1940.  Her husband, James, passed away on May 29, 1953.  Marie worked for many years as a bookkeeper for several businesses.  She was also a lifelong member of the Evangelical United Methodist Church in Ottawa, IL.  Marie was preceded in death by her parents, husband, and two sisters (Harriet Scherer and Florence Warren).  She left behind one son, Charles J. Rowe and wife (Barbara), one granddaughter, Cynthia A. Creighton and husband (Michael), and two great-grandchildren, Colin and Colleen Creighton, all of Springfield, IL.

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Personal Notes

Marie was the only grandmother that I knew. She read her bible daily, and always had a card ready for anyone, for any occasion, ready to send. She was a wonderful grandmother and great-grandmother to my children and I. She loved her grand babies with all her heart and we will miss her terribly. Be at peace now with the angels, Gram. We love you.
Added by Cynthia

Every time I think of you, my saddened heart still cries. But I know you are at peace, resting in God's Heavenly skies. The pain you had was left behind once you entered Heaven's door. Held by God Almightly, you will never feel pain anymore. Your soul now flies freely, reaching down to mine. Always to keep you so close to me, bonded through the passage of time. It still hurts so much to think of you because I miss having you here. Yet I know that God's gift to me, is to keep you near.
Added by Cynthia (from Alice)
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