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Born:January 7, 2005
Haines City, Fl
Died:January 7, 2005
Haines City, Fl

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Our Angel will be an angel forever I love her and miss her very much and will always remember her. She was my baby girl who had a short life but will never have pain go through her body. She became and Angel the day she was born but mommy got to hold her and kiss her. Raleigh Nicole I love all the Angel kisses from you. I miss holding you while I sleep at night but you have gone up to a wonderful place and are with some wonderful people. Your Grandma and Grandpa Bowen are spoiling you rotten up there and your Uncle Jimmy is making you into his Gator baby. Mommy and Daddy will see you soon. I love you my Angel!! ANGEL KISSES ALWAYS Mommy
Her last Ultrasound on Jan.7, 2005
Added by Anonymous
Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)
her memorial anoucement
Added by Anonymous
Personal Notes

Mommy Loves you my Angel
Daddy loves you and you will always be Daddies little girl

Added by Anonymous
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