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Born:January 19, 1950
Died:November 29, 2004
Louisburg, Kansas

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David was the most compassionate and giving person.  He was always willing to help and wanted nothing in return.  For all the trials and tribulations of his life, they made him a wonderful man.  
He loved his Mom, daughter, son and grandkids. He was so proud of his son and daughter. They were the world to him. He was a good son that lovingly took care of his mother.
He was so proud of his daughter and her graduating from Nursing School. Although he could not attend the graduation ceremony, he bragged on her alot. He took great pride in her accomplishment.
He loved socializing, either at Apco or Timbercreek. He was in his element when he was surrounded by people. He always enjoyed pulling a practical joke on somebody. He would throw his head back and laugh, with that smirk that we all know and love.
He was happiest "playing in the dirt". You never met a more confident man, than when he was on the backhoe in the dirt. He truly enjoyed teaching his son the business. He was so proud of the confidence and knowledge that his son gained with his guidance. He passed that love of dirt on to his son.
With the love of dirt came his love of the great outdoors. If things got too hairy, he would grab his fishing pole and head down to Bruce's pond. He enjoyed taking his grandson fishing, even if he didn't get to do it as much as he would have liked. He liked hiking in the woods.
He got to build the house he wanted, even if it never got completely finished. He built that house on dreams and then filled it with love. He planned to spend his retirement there with the one that he dreamed with. He was going to surround the house with roses, his favorite.
The day he passed on, he said "52 days until retirement". Yea, right as if that would have slowed him down. Now he is retired and in the best place one could be. He had said that he "will probably be in charge of sewers in heaven". He had a good laugh off of that one.
He was a very special man that was loved by the whole community.
I love you and miss you, now and forever

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