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Born:January 21, 1974
Died:February 12, 2009
Ife, Osun State

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The Memory of our Friend, Brother and Uncle still remains in our Hearts, On this day 12th of Feb.2010 it will be exactly One year this sad event occured, let us all borne it in mind that death is an inevitable end that awaits us all but not like this and it was so sudden at his prime, but God be with you Duke Adindu till we meet again. Fondly remembered by Family, Relatives and Friends. 
Adieu till we meet to part no more.

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Rest in Peace my Bossom Friend and Brother, just like yesterday it happened and i can't still believe ur gone, whom do we ask what went wrong or what and how did it happen?, but farewell my Brother till we meet to part no more.
Added by Iky Nlemadim
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