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Born:July 7, 1983
Logansport Indiana Memorial Hospital
Died:April 4, 1999
Logansport Indiana 450 N one quarter mile West of County Road 800 W

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Andrew Scott Carmicheal was a very nice,loving person. He loved chess placing 31st In the Indiana State championship. He played basketball and baseball at Pioneer Jr Snr High School and enjoyed it as well as playing good. He was loved and liked by many and is very missed. Me myself can't remember a time when Andy was mean to anyone. He had two sister (sorry I do not know their names)younger than him. Also a brother preceding in deth dieing as an infiant.(The brother was born in 81 and died in 81)

Added by Anonymous
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Added by Anonymous
Personal Notes

hello everyone who visites this site is welcome to leve their own note. Andy was a very special person to me I loved him so much.Their was noone like him.
Added by Lori
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