This is for my mom,Patsy was a very good mom and she always loved to sing her christain songs and loved the LORD with all of her heart. she raised us five girls in church and learn us to follow her foot step in singing. She used to have us singing til the time we was able to see over the popit of the church. she allso loved singing with her sister Thema. They use to sing in church and always out of church.singing was her life.until she got to sick to do a early age she found out that she had suger and she did'nt let that stop her until she had a strok.she was'nt able to do alot after that. she would just sit on her front pourh and rock and listen to songs all day long. then two weeks before she passed away she had a reall bad hearttack and was in ccu for a week. i feel like mom knew when she went in the hospital she would'nt be comming home.But going home to be with and my sis Vickie had to make a choice to put mom on life soport. that was not a hard thing to do.