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Born:July 25, 1981
Lafollette Tn
Died:February 26, 2005
Louisville, Kentucky

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Justin, was always such a character.  Justin loved his family and was closest to his wife Angela, and to his Mom, Dad and Aunt.  Ben, Becky and Sonya.  Always there to give a hand to anyone who needed it, he was the picture of life.  A young man struggling to take care of his new Son and Wife.  A baby on the way.  Yetin his mind he was so unhappy.  The lyrics below are to a song that played at Justin's funeral. 
It was just another story written on the second page
Underneath the Tiger's football score
It said he was only eighteen, a boy about my age
They found him face down on his bedroom floor

There'll be services on Friday at the Lawrence Funeral Home
Then out on Mooresville highway, they'll lay him 'neath a stone...

How do you get that lonely, how do you hurt that bad
To make you make the call, that havin' no life at all
Is better than the life that you had
How do you feel so empty, you want to let it all go
How do you get that lonely... and nobody know

Did his girlfriend break up with him, did he buy or steal that gun?
Did he lose a fight with drugs or alcohol?
Did his Mom and Daddy forget to say I love you son?
Did no one see the writing on the wall?

I'm not blamin' anybody, we all do the best we can
I know hindsight's 20/20, but I still don't understand...

How do you get that lonely, how do you hurt that bad
To make you make the call, that havin' no life at all
Is better than the life that you had
How do you feel so empty, you want to let it all go
How do you get that lonely... and nobody know

It was just another story printed on the second page
Underneath the Tiger's football score...

Added by Anonymous
Personal Notes

Justin, was always so cute on Malcolm. It's so hard to believe that someone who had it all would do such a thing to himself. He's and inspiration to all of us. I wish my condolences to his family. God Bless
Added by Sherri Mitten

Sometimes I just can't figure out why anyone would want to do this. We love you Justin!
Added by Micha ( Your Basketball Bud)

Your always going to be in our hearts bro we love you, and your family is in our thoughts and prayers.
Added by Jonah - Bro

God how could you do this bro, We needed you to man. We love you.
Added by Brian

How many times did you tell me that nothing was worth dieing for? Not even your wife man, Why did you go. I'll never understand.
Added by Jason Sexton
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