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Born:August 31, 2001
Lea Regional Hospital
Died:December 9, 2001
Hobbs New Mexico

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angel in heaven!

There is an angel in heaven
looking down on us
watching our lives
and not makeing a fuss

kenzie plays with angels
and god sings her lullibies
while she plays in the playground
way up in the skies

she will never feel the cold wet rain
or shed any of her tears
her memory will live long inside
of friends and family for years

her memory is not forgoten
and never is it erased
she will always be beautiful
just like the smile on her face

In loving memory
august 31,2001 - december 9,2001

Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Personal Notes

hey beautifull how are you today me im ok i guess i just wanted to say hello and I LOVE YOU!

Added by Jessica

hey beautiful how are yo ume im good i miss you alot but i know you are ok because papaw Richard is there with you now well i have to go i will write again soon i love you
Added by jessica

hi sweetie how are you i know i havent written in a long time but you go unforgotten in my memories i love you so much tiny angel and i cant wait to hold you in my arms once more i love you kenzie

Added by jessica
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