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Born:April 2, 1943
hunton west vg.
Died:July 27, 2003
gainesville fla

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This is for my mother(Patsy Louise Rehberg)Mom was a very caring person and she always tryed her best to help the ones she loved. My mom was always singing. Oh how she loved singing.She used to sing in church all the time. my mom married my dad 40 yrs ago and they had five girls tilly,vickie,marsha,robin,kathy.she raised use five girls in church and she always made sure that we would follow her foot steps. she always had us girls singing in church.people used to loved to her sing. she touched so many life in a way i did'nt even know.she had to stop singing because she had a strok in the year 2000 and it was hard for her to stand and sing. but I can remeber going to her house and hearing singing comming off the porch. she would sit there for hours playing her songs she loved so dear.July the 19th mom was rushed to the hospital with a hearttack and the very next day her kendy's had stopped working all the way.she was sent to aother hostipal where she had another stroke.the doc's done all they could do for her.She was in a coma for a week and then came out. She was doing really good they took life soport off and had moved her into icu and out of ccu.on the 26 of july she had another hearttack and a stroke.she stayed on life soport until sun.the 27.our mother will always be in our hearts and mine. WE MISS YOU MOM

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Personal Notes

you will be really missed and loved in our heart forever.
Added by friend

mom i miss you everyday. i miss going to your house seeing you on the porch. and i thank you raiseing me in church.I ca'nt wait until I see you again in heaven.I MISS YOU MOM ALOT.
Added by hkm
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