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Born:January 2, 1963
Coventry, Rhode Island
Died:February 25, 2005
Seattle, Washington

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My mom, Lorie Augustine was a terrific mother of 3 and an even better wife. She was an extremely hard worker, and could always accomplish anything that she put her mind to. She was a great cook she could make some stuffed shells to die for, along with evrything else that she tried to make. She was also very good at sewing and cross stitching. A few of the things that she loved the most was:
-1- The Ocean
-2- Mt. Raineer
-3- Bald eagles
-4- Wolves
-5- NASCAR (Dale Jr/Sr)
-6- American Idol
-7- Steaks & Mashed potatoes
-8- Queensryche & Alanis Morrissette
That's not even half of all of the things that she loved. She was a very strong and self sufficient woman anything a man could do she could do 10x's better. And if anyone or anything tried to bring her down she would open a whole 6-pack of woop-ass on em'.

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