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Born:May 10, 1980
109 Twin Peaks Road, Waterbury Vermont
Died:August 26, 2003
109 Twin Peaks Road, Waterbury Vermont

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Our dear Tigger was born in our home in my son's bedroom.  He had no kitty brothers or sisters, he was an only kitten.  His mom RC was a small, dainty black cat with a touch of black under her chin.  Tigger was a big angora tiger who had markings of a racoon and huge paws.  He loved to hunt in our back field and kept the mice population under control.  He had food allergies to milk products.  He loved cheese but it didn't love him.  As he grew older, he became much more affectionate.  He was the "king of our home" over the other two cats and our shelty dog.  They respected his position.  When Tigger got too old to hunt for mice my youngest cat would bring them in for him to snack on.  They took care of each other.  It was sad to watch my kittie grow older and become sick.  His passing represents an era in my life that is now over. I miss him so much but I know he is now running freely in the heavens, being taken care of by my mom.  He is no longer deaf or in pain.  I trust in my heart he will greet me when it is my turn to crossover.  We had a special bond that will always remain in my heart, mind and soul. Tigger..I miss you so much and letting you go was the hardest thing for me to do.  I will always treasure your memory and will never forget you.  Someday I will meet you again on the Rainbow Bridge... I love you.  "Angels provide a resting place for weary souls on their way to heaven"
Tigger as a Kitten.jpg

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