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Born:September 4, 1999
Died:July 17, 2001

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Alanna was a beautiful little girl. She was so sweet and full of life. Alanna was very smart for her age and she was a very loving person. She was always making sure that people were happy and she almost never cried. She tried to act so much older than she was. Alanna had a brand new baby sister named Jolie and she loved trying to take care of her. She was always trying to hold and feed Jolie. She loved dancing to music and playing outside. She loved animals and she loved to help people cook. Alanna was always doing something constructive with her time. Everyone loved Alanna. She never failed to put everyone in a good mood. Alanna was very independent and always wanted to do stuffon her own. If se didnt know how to do something, she would make you teach her until she learned to do it on her own. She was honestly an angel walking on earth. Her death was very shocking and heartbreaking to many. She is missed terribly and still loved very much.

Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Added by Anonymous
Personal Notes

I love you so much La Lee and I think about you all of the time.God needed you to help him baby.Show him how much of a good person you are.You brought so much happines to everyones lives.It was very hard for me when you first passed away..but its very comforting to know that you are in a better place and you are doing good things.You were an angel on earth just as you are now.I love you as high as the sky, as deep as the sea, and as big as the world is around. Love Ni Ni

Added by Danie
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