Keith's Life And Legacy Keith was my first born, my journey to motherhood and I truly enjoyed him to the fullest. So loving and trusting he seemed to know that these were the hands of love that he could trust to be there at any time. I watched him grow up but it didn't take long it seems as though you turn around and they are all grown-up and ready to try out the world. I don't think I ever slept until I knew he was safe in his bed at home. As fate would have it he was in an almost fatal motorcycle wreck at the age of 20. I rushed to the hospital where he lay at death's door. He was unconscious for 13 days. He had closed head trauma, two broken jaws, an arm and a leg broken. Keith had to learn to walk, talk and eat all over again I fed him from a syringe until he was better. I thought we were over the largest part of what would be just a sample of the next 14 years. He came a long way back on the road to recovery but never the same he was an entirely different person. He was suicidal for the remainder of his life. I was told by his doctor there was nothing we could do except be there for him and that is what I did but as a working mother with 4 children at home it wasn't easy. We lost the only father he ever knew to cancer just 3 weeks before his wreck. Keith went through so many changes in the year after he was injuried. He grieved all over the deaths of his Step-Dad, and my Dad, his Papa had died in 1975. All this was due to the memory loss from the closed head trauma he suffered. His long term memory returned somewhat but his short term never did. Keith rode his bicycle everywhere I worried about him all the time. My worries came to an end on December 4, 1994 Keith was on his bike on his way home when a pick-up truck ran off the road and over ran Keith he was dragged some 80 feet up the highway. He had only a Christmas card in his pocket to identify him. My days after that night are still kind of blurry. I will stop for now but I will write more later. It has taken me a little over 10 years to start and get this far with his memorial. I need the healing. Thanks for reading this. It is just a glimpse of the son I love so dearly.