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Born:May 15, 1993
Fountain Valley, CA
Died:August 20, 2003
Rancho Mirage

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Carly was a lost puppy found by someone who never found the owners.  I was told of  her so we went and looked and took and adopted her.  She has the most adoreable face in a cocker we ever seen.  My sister had two cockers and she was so beautiful and smart.  She could catch grapes across the room.  She loved fruits and vegetables which is unusual for a dog to eat.  She loved to hug and kiss you.  She was a true friend and loved people.  We will never forget our wonderful cockerspaniel "Carly Dog".  I look forward to again seeing you in Rainbow Bridge our Carly.   Love your Mom and Dad
carly peeking at us.jpg

Added by Anonymous
Personal Notes

Carly forever in our hearts. You were there through thick and thin and I miss you desperately. I know your in a better place, but that doesn't make me miss you less. love your mom
Added by Anonymous
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