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Born:October 3, 1964
Newport Beach Calif.

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She finally found herself after years of searching then became a Rev. in Pagan community. According to her belief system this is a time to celebrate her life and times this is the way she would want this to be. So please reflect on the things that stand out to you her achievements and life. The Pagans believe that you are here to learn lesson so your spirit will evolve and she learned her lessons for this life time and will return to another life to learn those. Remember her spirt will always be with us and she will look in on us and help us still from the otherside. So if we make ourselves aware we notice her there visiting and still loving us all. She Asked Us not to be to sad as she never feared death she always new that the body may be gone but the spirt lives on, So Celebrate that she has complete life with us this time and know that she will return and we all know that witches are born to witches so she will be fine and dandy and moving on to her next life. She also want to thnak everyone for everything. There aid when she needed most, your freindship, her family for always loving her no matter what. To every She says this is so-long not goodbye for she will return to us on a differnt plain. Love and Light to all and try to smile even though we will miss her presense we will not have to miss her spirt. Thank you

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Personal Notes

Hi everyone,I have left this plane but I will be back on the spiritual plane bank on that. I found myself and accomplised my goals and became A High Priestess in my religon which is my greatess accomplishment. In accordance to my pagan beliefs this is time to have a party and remember the good times and celebrate my passing into the summerland. So have that party and celebrate. I am free and happy .
Added by Tammy herself
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