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Born:September 4, 1927
washington D.C.
Died:August 29, 2003
DeFuniak Springs , FL

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She was the most loving,caring person i have ever known.
She only knew unconditional love, and total forgiveness.
A firm beliver in god, and family, who was always there for her family no matter what the reason or her personal feelings ever interfearing. she worked all her life as a phone operator, into her early 70's.
she was the kind of grandmother,mother , aunt, and best friend anyone could have ever ask for,all rolled in one.
she will never be forgotten.

Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Added by Anonymous
Personal Notes

some of her favorite things: swans, the color peach, her time she got to spen with her grand children, and great grand children, and she liked sherbert, rootbeer floats, country music, and one of her favorit places to eat was the apple barrel
Added by jessica lloyd

some of her favorite things: swans, the color peach, her time she got to spend with her grand children, and great grand children, and she liked sherbert, rootbeer floats, country music, and one of her favorit places to eat was the apple barrel
Added by jessica lloyd

. I remember Debbie telling me about an adventure on a shrimp boat. The boat got stuck on a sandbar for hours,and Joyce,as was her way,never complained, but had grand time talking and joking with the crew and friends that were there. Joyce, you will forever be in the memories of the ones who life you touched, and in the hearts of those you loved.
Added by Dee and Tony
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