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Born:June 12, 1990
Plainfield, Georgia
Died:January 21, 2001
Forreston, Illinois

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Sergeant was, and continues to be, the best friend I have ever known.  A most beautiful Rottweiler, Sergeant weighed 148 pounds, and had a 25 inch neck.  I've never known a dog, or a human, who was so incredibly strong, and yet so very graceful and gentle.  He was my protector.  An ever-diligent bodyguard.  And I believe he continues to protect me, though unseen.  Sergeant and I could sense, very keenly, what the other was feeling and thinking.  He showed me such loyalty; such devotion and such love that my heart has ached for him since his passing.  I still cry for him often, though he has been gone from my sight now for two and a half years.  I miss my friend terribly.  My very best friend.  I miss playing with him, talking to him and he to me, and I miss burying my face in his soft neck.  Most of all, though, I miss kissing him goodnight and telling him how much I love him, and thanking him for being my best friend in the whole world, which I did every night for twelve years.  Since your passing, I continue to say goodnight to you each and every night.  Do you hear me tell you how much I love and miss you?  Do you hear me ask you to visit me in my dreams?

I miss you so much, Sergeant, that I cannot find words adequate to describe my grief. The thought of you still brings tears to my eyes. My life is but a shadow since your passing, and I long for the day that we're together again. I pray with all my heart that it won't be a long wait, and find myself disappointed each morning I awaken. I couldn't bear the pain of being away from you for much longer, Sergeant. Please wait for me, my friend. My dearest and best friend.

Not long after your passing, an unknown friend emailed me a quote that I have treasured ever since. It reads,

"You think there will not be dogs in heaven? I tell you, they will be there before any of us." -Robert Louis Stevenson
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