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Born:January 27, 1956
Cleveland, Ohio
Died:August 30, 2002
Goose Creek, South Carolina

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Paul and I wher married 7/27/1978 on his birthday and we had a rocky marriage until we divorced in 1984 but we had two wonderful children, Cressa and Jay who are adults now and have given us five beautiful grandchildren whom he loved and cherrished very much. Phoenix, Isaiah and Raven and Lexi and Lillianna who is with paul in heaven. We have had a very hard time dealing with your death Paul but we all know we will see you again soon! Phoenix misses his Papa B very much and talks to you every night, Cressa has told him your the brightest star in the sky and if he looks up and sees that star he knows you are watching over him and all of us. Paul took his own life because of depression and the fact he was loosing his sight and his hearing at such a young age. he was so tired of taking care of his invalid mother and working full time that it became just too much and he had had enough. We understand Paul and know you are in a better place, and for once are in no more pain. Love and miss you so much, just know we will be together again!

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