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Born:October 3, 1960
Norwich, Connecticut
Died:September 1, 2003
Cocoa, Florida

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Darlene was a loving mother to both her children Donnie and Alicia Rider. She was full of life and lived every minute to the fullest.  She was taken from us suddenly and now we are left with an empty place in our hearts that could only be filled by her.  
She grew up in Connecticut and moved to Florida at the age of twenty where her two children were born. Every person who knew and loved her would say that she was a unique and complex woman. How can we forget the woman who would call the White House if she found something to be morally incorrect in our country?
She is survived by her two children, her mother Alice, her brother Micheal, two grandchildren, Isaiah and Kiana Sawyer and anyone else who knew and loved her.

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Personal Notes

God must have had you in his plan and I know that wherever you are, you don't hurt anymore. Thank you for allowing me the privilege to be at your side during the last few minutes of your life. You made me who I am and for that I am forever thankful. I will always love you no matter where you are. Rest in peace my beautiful mother. You are with God now.

Added by Alicia
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