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Born:December 7, 1955
Huron, South Dakota
Died:July 16, 2004
Mt. Vernon, South Dakota

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Loving has to be the best word describing my dad.  He loved everyone and everything.  He had a special passion for everything he did.  Daddy owned his own business for some 20 years-"Our Own Drywall" later known as "Oehlerking Drywall"  He took pride in his work and always did his best.  When he wasn't drinking he would be out fishing, hunting, riding his motorcycle or spending time with us girls.  Dad would do anything for anybody, that's just the way he was.  Dad loved us very much, and all of our friends also became "dad's kids" he liked the house to be full of us kids he liked to call it a "teen center" and would've loved it even more if it actually was a teen center.  We miss you daddy and love you very much. 
Michelle and Kristina

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Personal Notes

I miss Daddy very much. He always made you smile. Always on the go. I don't know who had more energy him or Noah. Noah wanted to go fishing but wasn't old enough. This summer he gets to. Noah never got to ride the bike with dad but he'll at least get to ride my favorite bike in the whole's. May he ride free on the open highways of heaven in a pack so glorious Harley thunder is all you hear. I love you dad......
Added by Kristina "Daughter"
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